Title: Deep In Black - Dance Beat Collection
Artist: Various
CD | Epic | ESCA 5070 | E(1989).12.21
01. On The Strength | Flame Duet With Tony Terry [6:37] ★
02. Forget The Girl | Tony Terry [4:11]03. 1-2-3 | The Chimes [3:23]
04. She's So Cold | Alton Wokie Stewart [4:29]
05. I Wanna Ride | Maniquin [4:49]
06. Cash | Sweet Obsession [4:10]
07. Good, Bad & Ugly | Charlie Singleton [4:45]
08. So Fine | Jamm [3:43]
09. She Won't Talk To Me | Luther Vandross [4:36]
10. Tribute (Right On) | The Pasadenas [5:11]
11. It's Too Late (Club Mix) | Nayobe [6:57]
12. All My Love | Hermandez [3:45]
13. Rock The House | Nicole [4:12]
14. You're No Good | Paul Johnson [4:27]
15. Fading Away (Power House Mix) | Will To Power [8:43]
On The Strength | Flame Duet With Tony Terry 収録!