Title: Two Places At The Same Time 「誓いのセイム・タイム」
Artist: Ray Parker Jr. & Raydio
CD | Arista | SICP 4855 | 2016.07.27
1. It's Time To Party Now 「パーティ・ナウ」 [4:59]
2. Until The Morning Comes [4:30]
3. Two Places At The Same Time 「誓いのセイム・タイム」 [3:57]
4. Tonight's The Night [5:13]
5. A Little Bit Of You [4:22]
6. Everybody Makes Mistakes [5:01]
7. Can't Keep From Cryin' [3:42]
8. For Those Who Like To Groove [4:32]
9. It's Time To Party Now 「パーティ・ナウ」 (12" Ver.) [6:53] ★