Title: Super Eurobeat Vol. 61
Artist: Various
CD | Avex Trax | AVCD-10061 | 1995.10.21
01. Jungle Night (Extended Mix) | A-Beat Power [5:51]
02. Killer In New York (Extended Mix) | Dr. Money [5:30]
03. American Psycho (Extended Mix) | Atrium [5:08]
04. Du Du-Da Da (Extended Mix) | Danny Keith [5:24]
05. Renegade (Extended Mix) | Margaret [5:33]
06. Stimulation (Extended Mix) | Go Go Girls [6:43]
07. Come To My Bedroom (Extended Mix) | Chester [4:50]
08. Maniac (Extended Mix) | Kelly Wright [5:33]
09. Stop And Go (Extended Mix) | Ric Fellini [5:22]
10. Looking To The People (Extended Mix) | Norma Sheffield [6:27]
11. Naked In The Night (Extended Mix) | Gino Caria [5:12]
12. Go Go (Extended Mix) | DJ NRG [6:27] ★
13. Fly (Extended Mix) | Dave Rodgers S.G. J. Batten [7:47]